
With Simplify Reality, you can leverage AI to better understand each client’s unique needs to address their queries in a safe and secure manner in a timely manner, without having them to hold on a call. From then you can provide your teams' quick access to critical customer information so agents can make personalized recommendations

Our AI calculates the top resolution for you


Reduce Operational Expenses

How do you increase the net promoter score while reducing 50% of your operational expenses? You simplify reality! Our AI works 24/7, 365 days to constantly resolve your customer’s queries reducing the burden on your team.


Consistent Customer Service Experience

In the world of banking, insurance and wealth management, customers are expecting you to be reliable. With Simplify Reality, you can leave them reassured with a consistent customer experience to address their specific questions, allowing you to make trust an integral part of your customer relationship.


Value For You and Your Customers

Traditional customer service channels take up 10-15 minutes per interaction, costing you $12-$40 on every customer. Simplify Reality addresses your customer’s needs within one minute and as low as $1 per interaction - helping you and your better manage their finances!

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